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STAS documentation - brochures, drawings and manuals

Are you looking for a specific detail or would you like to browse the catalog again? Here you will find all documentation of STAS picture hanging systems.

Download our catalogs, assembly instructions or architectural drawings. Would you prefer to receive one or more copies of our documentation by post? That is also possible. Send an e-mail with your request contact@stasgroup.com.


STAS product catalogue

STAS product brochure

STAS corporate brochure

STAS corporate brochure

STAS multirail brochure

STAS multirail brochure

Architect drawings

STAS cliprail

STAS cliprail max

STAS cliprail pro

STAS j-rail

STAS j-rail max

STAS minirail

STAS multirail

STAS multirail max

STAS multirail crown

STAS multirail crown

STAS multirail crown

STAS multirail flat 1

STAS multirail flat 2

STAS plaster rail

STAS u-rail

STAS u-rail multi

STAS paper rail

STAS papergrip

STAS windsor

STAS riva

Mounting instructions

STAS all manuals in one!

STAS minirail

STAS cliprail

STAS cliprail max

STAS cliprail pro

STAS j-rail

STAS j-rail max

STAS plaster rail

STAS decor rail

STAS multirail

STAS multirail crown

STAS multirail max

STAS u-rail

STAS u-rail multi

STAS multirail flat

STAS armaturen

STAS paper rail

STAS windsor & riva

STAS drilling template

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